Podcast Messages
One Neighborhood At A Time
In an interview style, Pastor Marty talks to people in our congregation who are living lives of "neighboring" by loving those just outside their doors.
To the WHOLE City
Imagine with Pastor Marty as he poses the question, "What would happen if we, as believers, were committed to reaching out to our neighbors?" He believes that not only our neighbors and our communities would be changed, but our world would as well.
The WHOLE Message
According to Jesus, the most important commandment is actually two put together from Matthew 22 - Love God and Love Your Neighbor. Pastor Marty explains how when we live by that, by God's love in us, we can't help but love our neighbor.
The Whole Church
Pastor Marty continues this series and looks at The Church (worldwide all of God's people). He reminds us that church is not about a building or a facility, but it's about God's people who are committed to living and loving outside the walls of wherever "Church" is.
The Good & Beautiful Church
What does it mean to "be a neighbor?" Walk through this teaching as Pastor Marty answers how we can do that on a daily basis to fulfill all that God has for us.
Taking Initiative
Listen in as Pastor Marty reminds us that Jesus has called us to take the initiative to be a neighbor to those around us and that "a great commitment to the great commandment will grow a great community."
You Are Here
Pastor Jonathan Edwards shares more on what it means to "be the community in your community." That wherever you are, that is where you are called to love.
Who's My Neighbor?
In the first of the series, Pastor Marty explores what would happen if every follower of Jesus took the Great Commandment seriously. What would happen if we lived our lives purposed to love our neighbors?
Listen up.
Our podcast is the audio versions of our weekly sermons.
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