Psalm 95 with Pastor Zack
Tune in this week as Pastor Zack shares about coming to God from Psalm 95!

Psalm 23 with Pastor Brandon
Join us this week as Pastor Brandon talks of psalms, scooters, and satisfaction in life!

Psalm 22 with Pastor Ricky
Tune in this week as Pastor Ricky get's personal, sharing from Psalm 22.

Psalm 96 with Bob Bae
Tune in this week for our guest speaker, Bob Bae, as he shares on how we have been INVITED in to this relationship with Christ , given new life, therefore we sing a new song, and are moved to proclaim Him and represent Him to the world as ambassadors.

Psalm 109
Do you ever find yourself fighting back your own emotions? Have you ever been so frustrated or hurt by others while trying to trust God and not react poorly? Listen in as Pastor Jen Lord kicks off our Psummer Psalms series with a bit of truth from her journey and some of God's truth from Psalm 109.