Mike Logan | Ground Zero
Listen in as Mike Logan shares about his experience as a first responder during the events of 9/11/2001.

Real Manliness: Christ's Affect on Manhood
Listen in as our guest speaker, Bill Rieser, a former basketball star who came up on the streets of New York, shows us what God taught him about his new identity in Jesus Christ.

Dream Again
No one is beyond the reach of disappointment and heartache. Listen in as Steve DeSeve speaks about God's power in helping him navigate challenges and learn to dream once more.

Mending Our Nets
Now that we know the importance of fishing for others, how do we make sure that we keep our "fishing" gear in good shape? Join us for this week's sermon as Pastor Marty unpacks how we need to mend our nets.

We were all fish once...
Join us for our Super Bowl Sunday kick-off of our new series Gone Fishin'. Tune in as we 'tackle' Jesus' call for us to be "fishers of people."