Real Manliness: Christ's Affect on Manhood
Listen in as our guest speaker, Bill Rieser, a former basketball star who came up on the streets of New York, shows us what God taught him about his new identity in Jesus Christ.

Conversations with Jesus | Roman Soldier
What could possibly amaze the Son of God? Tune in this week to find out.

Conversations with Jesus: The Leper
Though Jesus mastered the honor/shame culture that he lived in, there are a few times when Jesus really crossed the line, and in this case something beautiful happened. Listen in to find out more.

Psalm 109
Do you ever find yourself fighting back your own emotions? Have you ever been so frustrated or hurt by others while trying to trust God and not react poorly? Listen in as Pastor Jen Lord kicks off our Psummer Psalms series with a bit of truth from her journey and some of God's truth from Psalm 109.