Conversations with Jesus: Rich Young Ruler
One of the most unique conversations that we have recorded between Jesus and a potential disciple. However, this was the only disciples who DIDN'T follow Jesus.

In the Sight of God
Isn't being married all about being happy? Maybe not. Tune in this week to find out!

Know and Fear God
The Bible says "the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom." What does this mean, and how is this essential to our faith? Tune in this week for the kick-off of our new series, The Essentials.

We were all fish once...
Join us for our Super Bowl Sunday kick-off of our new series Gone Fishin'. Tune in as we 'tackle' Jesus' call for us to be "fishers of people."

Giving Back
Join us this week as Pastor Marty unpacks the importance in giving back to God, not because we repay him, but because we trust and hope in Him.