Conversations with Jesus | Roman Soldier
What could possibly amaze the Son of God? Tune in this week to find out.

Conversations with Jesus: John the Baptist
Ever hear a pastor mention how great a man of God John the Baptist was? Would it shock you to learn that even he had his doubts about Jesus? Tune in this week to learn more!

Conversations with Jesus: Thomas
Yeah! John 20 is the chapter with Doubting Thomas, right? Not quite, tune in this week why Thomas gets a bad rap for a moment of doubt.

Conversations with Jesus: Mary Magdalene
Lend us your ears as we introduce a new voice into the conversation: Mary Magdalene. Pastor Marty digs in to the conversation Mary had with her newly-resurrected Lord and teacher, Jesus Christ.

Private Disciplines
Join us this week as Pastor Marty shows how important private disciplines are in causing our faith to grow.

Know and Fear God
The Bible says "the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom." What does this mean, and how is this essential to our faith? Tune in this week for the kick-off of our new series, The Essentials.

Rusty Hooks n' Tackle Boxes
What rusty lures, and old hooks do we still use to fish for people? Join us this week as Pastor Marty shows us how to get rid of bad ways of sharing the Good News.