Conversations with Jesus | Pentecost
Tune in this week for the sermon on conversations with Jesus!

Conversations with Jesus: John's Disciples
Tune in this week as Jesus talks with John's Disciples.

Conversations with Jesus: The Leper
Though Jesus mastered the honor/shame culture that he lived in, there are a few times when Jesus really crossed the line, and in this case something beautiful happened. Listen in to find out more.

Conversations with Jesus: John the Baptist
Ever hear a pastor mention how great a man of God John the Baptist was? Would it shock you to learn that even he had his doubts about Jesus? Tune in this week to learn more!

Conversations with Jesus: Thomas
Yeah! John 20 is the chapter with Doubting Thomas, right? Not quite, tune in this week why Thomas gets a bad rap for a moment of doubt.

Conversations with Jesus: Satan
What can we learn from Jesus' temptation by Satan in the wilderness? Tune in this week to find out!

Conversations with Jesus: Father
Tune in this week for another crucial conversation Jesus has, this time with his Heavenly Father.

Conversations with Jesus: Mary Magdalene
Lend us your ears as we introduce a new voice into the conversation: Mary Magdalene. Pastor Marty digs in to the conversation Mary had with her newly-resurrected Lord and teacher, Jesus Christ.

Conversations with Jesus: Peter
Listen in to the kickoff of our new "Conversations with Jesus" series as we focus in on a conversation Jesus had with Simon Peter.

The Miracle of the Manger
Tune in this week as Pastor Marty explores the miraculous nature of Jesus coming, and our response of belief!