Unlocking the Bible

Last Things First pt.1

Understanding how we got The Bible is almost as important as knowing what’s in it. The backstory sheds light on the story. 

Last Things First pt.2

How we got OUR Bible is not how we got THE Bible.

In the Beginning

"In the beginning" can be a loaded phrase -- one that forces us into debate and doubt. But what if we are missing the point of Genesis 1:1?

Human Dignity: The Ultimate Gift From God

Genesis was a world where the violence and injustice of the "gods" justified and legitimized the violence and injustice of human rulers. Moses introduced a radically different and unparalled world view. 

An Old Testament

The Old Testament records God’s redemptive, sequential activity in history. It’s a gritty and epic history of the Hebrew people in which, over and over, Israel is reminded that they are a divine means to a divine end.

Where Old Becomes New

Instead of seeing the Old Testament as a spiritual guidebook or a storyline that needs to be tidied up, maybe we should see it as something even better—the history of God preparing the world for a Savior.

The Colossal Apostle

Paul "the pharisee" provides us with extraordinary clarity regarding our connection with the Old Testament.

The Greatest Love of All

Paul "the apostle" had extraordinary confidence regarding the event of the resurrection.