Pastor Marty kicks off a new year and a new series by asking us to evaluate the true root of the problem and how we can set ourselves on the road to recovery.
If you hired you to handle your money, based on your performance, would you fire you? Pastor Marty closes out our Recovery Road series in Deuteronomy, shifting our eyes to the true owner of it all.
We can see in Scripture and we all know in the core of our being that saving money is a wise thing to do. According to The Wall Street Journal, 70% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and teetering on the edge financially. Let's look this week at Joseph and how his wisdom changed the course of generations and how our own wisdom could do the same.
Are you drowning in debt so deeply that you'll never be able to come up for air? Or maybe you've got some small debts lingering, but keeping you from living in the freedom you want? Scripture calls us to a standard financially that requires more than saying, "I want to get out of debt," but rather calls us to an intensity that acts with urgency to attain that freedom.
Dave Ramsey says that you've gotta live like no one else, so later you can live like no one else. Pastor Marty continues "Recovery Road" this week by looking at the biblical principles of "abnormality" behind this profound statement.
To start down the road to recovery, we must first look at ourselves. Pastor Marty started this series last week by calling us to do just that. This week we continue with a look inward at the areas in our lives that we need to surrender to Jesus.
No one can deny that the stability of our economy and our country is in question. However, many might argue where the blame for this falls. Pastor Marty kicks off a new year and a new series by asking us to evaluate the true root of the problem and how we can set ourselves on the road to recovery.